North West Hydro Resource Model

Hydro Resource Evaluation Tool

public acceptability and engagement

How should I go about engaging the public?

Have you identified all the relevant people?

Beyond the people who have to be contacted through the permissions processes of planning and an abstraction licence, there are other ‘stakeholders’ and interested parties who it would be advisable to contact from the outset.
The following is a ‘checklist’ of the main constituencies and stakeholders that you must ensure you have contacted early on in your engagement process:

The diagram below is reproduced courtesy of H20PE, and shows the stakeholders involved in project development.


H20PE suggest the following advice on how to approach the above local/regional/national stakeholders/potential shareholders, who can form a ‘support base’: “In view of a limited budget  adopt a PR-led, as opposed to an advertising-led, strategy, focussing on press, personal contact via email and newsletters, use of websites and word of mouth, building awareness at a local level”